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PS3 - Gundam Senki UC 0081 Downloadable Content

Today on Japan's Playstation Store, both the RX-81AS Assault Armor Unit & the FA-78-3 Full Armor Gundam 7th Unit are available to download for a small fee.

Originally I had thought that I would be able to get an edge in mulitplayer by buying these 2 MS to play. But little did I know that once these units were downloaded & installed, I would still need to work on getting enough points in the game, to be able to purchase them to use. =( I felt suckered. LOL

RX-81AS Assault Armor Unit:
FA-78-3 Full Armor Gundam 7th Unit:
Downloading the MSs was a cinch, it costed me 300 Yen for each MS. A fair price.

Now to be able to play the FA-78-3 Full Armor Gundam 7th Unit, I will need to acquire 1,200,000 points. @__@"

I would probably be able to use the AS-81AS Assault Armor Unit first, since this needs only 450,000 points. humph... - _ -'
Anyhow... I shall have a full review of this game by this weekend.