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HG 1/144 O Gundam Worklog Preview & The Story of My Finger

So I have started working on the HG 1/144 0 Gundam. Basically I needed to build this kit to repay the local import games store owner for the PS3 Gundam Senki game. He was probably expecting a straight build & a clean paint job. But I just couldn't resist giving this kit a bit more detail, as the kit has a lot of potential.

So here is a preview of my first worklog, is incomplete... but I thought it would be a nice preview post, while I heal from my recent injury. (Click on the image to blow it up for better view)

Now for the story of my finger. So a week ago, I had a lead pencil (the lead portion) broke off inside my finger. Yeah It was an accident done to me by another person. So I had an operation yesterday, and now I can't do any harsh work with it for the coming week, since it is still bleeding. So the 0 Gundam will be delayed by one week.